Happy Women's Day dears!!

                    Happy Women's Day dears!!

8th of March - International Women's Day! 'Happy Women's Day Amma!', my son greeted me early in the morning. Moments later, my daughter hugged me and said, 'You're the best mom! Happy IWD MA!'.  Minutes later, I got a 'ping' from my better half who had overheard our conversation. It reads 'To the most lovely woman... blah.. Blah' .  I left a smile and went about doing my chores.  

After this morning Hulla-Bulla, I reached my workplace.  Male colleagues accorded us a warm welcome, beautiful flowers, chocolates and what not!  Okays! Shot over!  As the day steered ahead, there were funny comments from the menfolk on our bright make up, stylish attire on our D-Day. Why not celebrate Men's Day too? Don't we men also deserve some attention??!', voiced out a senior colleague.  Pat came the reply from another, " We'll never have such days! It's all for the privileged womenfolk!".  Of course,  they did not mean what they said.   In fact, we work in cohesion.  At the office, no one really takes up the gender roles.  I believe, we have nurtured a matured bonding amongst ourselves.

The Women's Day ended with our Samosa-Sweet-Coffee treat and we left happily laughing all the way, trolled by our male colleagues for offering such a 'Kanjoose' (frugal) treat. We promised a delicious lunch later.

Life is all about cherishing such unforgettable moments! Let us spread positive vibes!!


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